Buzz Active

3rd June 2024

Sapphire Class had the most amazing time raft building at Buzz Active on the Cuckmere River at the start of this term.  The children were challenged to work together as a group to design and construct a raft using 4 giant plastic barrels, 2 giant wooden poles and 4 lengths of rope.  Plans were made, discussions were had and rafts were eventually constructed.  After a rigorous testing process the children set afloat and paddled to the other side of the river and back.  It was great fun!  The morning concluded with the children securing their rafts together to make a mega raft!
The following day Emerald Class went to Buzz Active and had a fun morning.  The class was split into 3 groups and they rotated through a selection of activities: canoeing, kayaking and stand-up paddle-boarding.  All of the children listened well and worked together, enjoying a superb experience and learning some amazing skills!