Opening Hours - The School Day

Our school day starts at 8:40am for Pearl Class (Early Years) and Ruby Class (Year 1 & 2) and starts at 8:45am for Sapphire Class (Year 3 & 4) and Emerald Class (Year 5 & 6). 

Children will be marked as 'late' if they arrive more than 5 minutes after the start of the day detailed above. If children in Pearl or Ruby Class arrive later than 9.10am or children in Sapphire or Emerald Class arrive later than 9.15am, they will accrue an unauthorised absence mark.

Morning Playtime

Morning playtime is 10:15am - 10:30am

Afternoon Playtime

Pearl Class (EYFS) and Ruby Class (Year 1 & 2) children have an afternoon playtime. 


Pearl Class (EYFS) and Ruby Class (Year 1 & 2) lunch time is 11.50am to 12.45pm.

Sapphire Class (Year 3 & 4) and Emerald Class (Year 5 & 6) lunch time is 12.10pm to 1.05pm.

Each lunch time consists of a set time slot in the hall for eating food, as well as time out on the playground for physical activity and organised games.

The school day ends at 3:10pm for Pearl Class (EYFS) and Ruby Class (Year 1 & 2) children.

The school day ends at 3:15pm for Sapphire Class (Year 3 & 4) and Emerald Class (Year 5 & 6) children.

  • ​Children should be collected promptly by parents/carers at the end of the school day.
  • In the interest of safety, it is important to let the school know of changes to collection arrangements. Please contact the school office on 01323 870203 or email to confirm any changes to end of day arrangements. 

Our school times equate to 32.5 hours per week. 

In line with the National expectation, our school is open for 190 school days.